
There are lots of microdosing guides available online - here is the guidance I provide.

The goal is to find YOUR sweet spot. Your sweet spot is just below the level of perceptibility; this threshold changes from person to person, and throughout an individual's life.

To find your sweet spot, start at a conservative amount (0.1-0.15g) and slowly increase each day until you perceive a noticeable or distracting effect, and then decrease slightly the next day. The first day you do a microdose (for the first time or after a tolerance break), you will feel it more strongly than the following days, so take the same amount day 1 and 2 and evaluate how you feel day 2 before changing the amount for day 3.

Suggested Protocol

Here are some ideas for how to experiment with microdosing:

One suggested protocol is 5 days on, 2 days off. You could start by microdosing Monday-Friday and skip Saturday/Sunday.

You could also do something like 4 days on/2 days off, or 3 days on/3 days off… just take at least 2 days off in a row each week and feel free to experiment.

Take the first couple weeks to see what rhythm works for you, based on your schedule. Find a rhythm and then stick with it consistently for a few weeks, as you begin to develop a relationship with microdosing and its effects, you’ll be gathering a lot of information about how much to take, when to take it and what the effects are.

I suggest to start by taking your microdose in the morning, before you start your day. I encourage you to take your microdose mindfully. Take a moment to quiet your mind, cultivate gratitude, or set an intention for your day. You could also take it in the evening, for some people it has a very relaxing effect.

Ground dried mushrooms

If you have a scale that goes to milligrams, it could be helpful to use to weigh out your microdose amount. A scale is not necessary, but could be helpful - just make sure it measures to milligrams (most food scales do not).

If you don’t have a scale, use a measuring scoop.

A flat 1/8 TSP is about 0.1-0.13g. A rounded scoop could go up to 0.25g.

A flat 1/4 TSP is about .25-.35g. Rounded scoop, up to 0.5g.

If you’re starting with powder, I recommend a flat 1/8 TSP as your starting point and gradually increase from there. I recommend sticking with the 1/8 TSP unless you don’t feel it with a large rounded scoop, then use the 1/4 TSP.

I like to put my microdose in a tiny amount of yogurt or coffee. Use a small condiment cup or something similar. Take a tablespoon or two of yogurt or coffee, add the microdose, mix it up and then consume. You could also put your microdose directly into your mouth, it’s not necessary to mix it with something else.

Chocolate Bar

Made with a mix of organic milk and dark chocolate and either Cacao butter or coconut oil
Each square is either 0.1g, 0.2g or 0.25g (see label on bar).

Start by finding the right dose for you, similar to the instructions above - start at a low amount and increase each day until you feel like you found the right amount for you. It could be a half square, it could be 1 square or 2 squares.

Effects of Microdosing

Things you may notice with the right amount of a microdose:
-Crisper, brighter colors
-Increased focus
-Greater ability to let things go
-Greater ability to be present
-More space between emotions and reaction
-Uplifted mood, feelings of gratitude
-Increased energy
If you notice these affects you've found your sweet spot! Continue to microdose while you are experiencing positive benefits from it.

Potential side effects indicating your microdose may have been too much:
-Distracted by visual or auditory stimulation
-Physical heaviness
-Increased anxiety
-Inability to focus

If you consistently experience the distracting side effects, let’s talk about it.

If you took a microdose and don't notice any of effects, you may have taken too little. Increase slightly with the next dose.

The way mushrooms interact with people is very personal and individual; I encourage you to approach microdosing as a sort of experiment - what is the right amount and right rhythm for you? The only way to find out is to explore, with curiosity and reflection. Go slow and be patient with the process.

Tools to support Microdosing

Get the most out of microdosing by combining with other practices:
-Meditation (ideally about 30 min after taking your microdose)
-Boundaries to create more time and space to be with yourself and reflect on your experiences
-Yoga or other movement practice to cultivate and nurture relationship with body

Find the way it works for you